Akyapak ADOP & APLG

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Plate Milling/Drilling & Oxy-fuel/Plasma Cutting Machines

Akyapak ADOP & APLG  are precision plate milling/drilling & oxy-fuel/plasma cutting machines. If your shop manufactures a lot of small plate parts the ADOP will save you time and money. If however, you are in need on a larger scale then the APLG is the machine for you. No matter your fabricating production needs  Large or small Akyapak has the equipment to meat your requirements. Contact us today. ADOP (Small Parts) & APLG (Large Parts)



  • Entire system control: CNC (Mitsubishi or Siemens)
  • Spindlemotor and all axial engines: Servomotor
  • Spindlemotor: 22 kW / 140 Nm | 30 HP / 103 lbf.ft
  • Spindlemotor Torque: 280 Nm | 206 lbf.ft
  • Drilling capacity: 10 – 40 mm | 23/8″ – 1-9/16″
  • Screw cutting capacity: max. M24
  • Inner cooling carbide drill usage: Yes
  • Set inner cooling: Standard, pulverized pressed air and boron water (carbide yip drills)
  • Spindle and Cutting Units Movement Bedding (horizontal / vertical): Preloaded lineer units
  • Movement forwarding system: Preloaded ball screws / nut system
  • Marking by scrapping: Yes
  • Automatic tool changing unit: Yes
  • ATC Capacity: 6 Tools
  • Plate positioning weight: max. 7.500 kg | 16.500 lbs
  • Suitable sizes: 3000*3200*100 mm 3000*12000*26 mm | 9,8′ x 10,5′ x 4″ 9,8′ x 40′ x 1″
  • Plasma cutting capacity: max. 60 mm (30 mm by explosding) | max. 2-1/2″ (1-1/4″ piercing)
  • Oxy cutting capacity: max. 100 mm | max. 4″
  • Oxy and plasma slag and powder collection plate: Yes
  • Oxy and plasma powder filtration unit: Yes
  • Rasping collection plate (wheeled): Yes
  • Plate application system: Servoengine + Reductor / Pinion + Krameyer gearing system
  • Plate blockage: Hydraulic remote controlled extrusion jaws


Akyapak’s Touch on Steel Construction Industry with GANTRY…

Akyapak is on the market with APLG-Akyapak GANTRY Hole Drilling and Oxygen/Plasma Cutting Machine, its new model in CNC hole drilling, marking, cutting lines in Akyapak’s product range, which can only be manufactured only a few manufacturers in the World…

Akyapak raises the bar in terms of productivity in steel construction manufacturing industry with its GANTRY model. The model is able to perform cutting and light milling on plate by moving the bridge in a minimum field when the material is fixed. The bridge moves on GANTRY while the machine table is fixed, and the model has a hole drilling center with 30 HP power, and plasma and oxygen cutting unit. The smallest version has a 6,5 feet width and its length starts from 20 feet, while the largest version has a 13 feet width and its length ranges up to 118 feet.

With this model, Akyapak is environment-friendly, as well. Gases exhausted as a result of plasma and oxygen cutting are collected from the fixed table and filtered, and emitted into the environment as clean gases.


  • Plate size (max. mm): 3000×6000 | (max. feet): 10×20
  • Plate thicknes with plasma (max. mm): 50 | (max. inch): 2
  • Plasma torches (No.): 1
  • Plate thicknes with Oxy (max. mm): 100 | (max. inch): 4
  • Drilling head (No.): 1
  • Drilling tools per head (No.): 8
  • Spindle power (kW): 22 | (HP): 30
  • Spindle max (RPM): 3000
  • Machine weight (Kg): 22730 | (Ibs): 50.000
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