Cidan Roll Forming Machines

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QZ36 Panel Roll Forming Machine

ճCIDAN QZ36 panel roll forming machine is one of the most robust and expertly constructed in the industry. If you are looking for long-lasting, this machine’s 22 stations with a 3.375″ (85 mm) solid-keyed shaft make it built to endure. With the AMK Control, you can program up to 50 lines with different qualities and length. This control features a “material savings” mode that automatically stops the machine and repositions so you can get the most out of your material. Avoid high maintenance costs and wasted material with the QZ36 corrugated, PBR, or AG Panel rollformer!

  • Infeed has hardened roller bearing guides that ensures the material guides perfectly into the roll stations.
  • Front Rotary Cut allows the customer to cut back on wasted material.
  • 22 Tool Stations help form the Profile Panel.
  • The encoder features a wheel that sits on top of the panel passing through the machine. The tension spring allows constant contact of the encoder with the coil for consistent and accurate lengths.
  • The hydraulic Post Shear is guided by 4 bearing shafts for burr free cutting of the panel. The post shear enables cuts of 4” (100mm) long panels to 60’ (18.3m).
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